Lithium Ion Forklift Battery

What You Need to Know

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 There is more than one way to power an electric forklift. One of the most important things to keep in mind when upgrading your forklift fleet power solutions is to consider additional approaches that meet your current and future needs.

The perfect type of battery for your forklift power requirements will depend on a number of factors, ranging from the amount of work handled by your vehicles on an average day to the number of forklifts you operate and the conditions on the warehouse floor.

Today, the question of correct technology often comes down to traditional lead acid batteries versus new chemistries, with versions of lithium ion forklift battery systems leading the way. While lead acid battery technology is entrenched, alternatives are on the rise. Your decision will set the course for the next phase of your operations.

Of course, changing your approach to forklift battery use is not as easy as flipping a switch, and the choice is not always clear. For instance, lithium ion forklift batteries may be right for you if you're looking for a battery that supports your team through multiple shifts and fast(er) charges. However, the high cost of the battery and the increased peak power usage may not make forklift lithium batteries ideal for your operation/application. One of the things we find is that lithium may be perfect for part of your fleet, but not another, so deploying a hybrid system may also be most appropriate.  By taking a close look at your current solutions, your needs and the options on offer, you can figure out an answer to the forklift power riddle  one tailored to your organization and promising real improvement.

Benefits of Forklift Lithium Ion Batteries

A lithium battery for your forklift can offer several advantages for your operations, including:

  • Increased productivity: Lithium ion batteries fully charge in under two hours and can charge in short sessions. Keeping the forklift continuously charged allows you to work in shifts and for longer, increasing uptime across your workforce.
  • Less maintenance: Forklift lithium batteries require no watering maintenance compared to other options.  These batteries are also remotely monitoring and sometimes managed remotely, so onsite maintenance has much lower requirements than lead acid and planned maintenance is required less frequently. Please note that while the maintenance is much less, the types of maintenance changes to a different type of troubleshooting and the parts changes are different--ask your partner if they are prepared to service the equipment once installed and for their comprehensive program to service of lithium.
  • Energy efficiency: Lithium ion batteries are highly efficient when charging and discharging meaning they have minimal charge loss while discharging, idling or charging. That means more of the energy you pull from the grid is available for operating your battery and not being lost to inefficiencies/waste and can reduce electricity costs if peak power utilization is properly managed for charging times.
  • Convenient charging: Lithium ion batteries support opportunity / fast charging — forklift drivers can charge the battery when they take breaks. This type of charging keeps the battery topped off throughout the day and potentially through multiple shifts. Other battery types cannot be opportunity charged without compromising their life span.
  • Automated battery reload option - There are now automated battery swap systems available using lithium that reduce the charging footprint drastically and enable you to manage peak power charging demands automatically.  It also eliminates the forklift operator ever having to plug in or maintain their battery again.  When their battery is low, they drive to an automated charging station, press a button and the robot reloads a fresh battery in two minutes.  Concentric launched our PowerHIVE(TM) system for this in 2022 and you can learn more here:

Common Issues Forklift Battery Solutions Solve

One of the first things to understand when comparing and contrasting battery technologies is that changing the nature of your batteries is not a cure-all. Faults with your current system may not be because it uses lead acid batteries. Changing to lithium ion batteries may or may not immediately revolutionize your material handling success, hence its critical to execute a proper Operational and Power Assessment in advance to develop the right rollout program and financial model so you deliver the benefits you expect.

Consider a few of the issues that commonly come up when dealing with forklift power solutions:

Desire to Use Fewer Batteries

Operating a large number of lead acid batteries in a battery room can come with overhead costs and operational complexities. If you run a fleet with high usage hours, you may be dealing with these realities — and hoping to change them to a more streamlined system.

Need to Replace Aging Batteries

Assets inevitably wear down over time, especially if there have historically been gaps in maintenance, upkeep or charging. When it's time to replace these batteries at the end of their service life, you may need to ask if there is something different you can do this time around.

Hope to Eliminate Processes

Traditional lead acid batteries require careful management. Charging, watering, swapping and more must be carried out according to strict procedures to get results and cut risk. Lithium ion batteries solve these issues, as these processes aren't required to maintain the battery.

Side by Side: Lithium Ion Batteries Versus Traditional Lead Acid Batteries

Once you've thought about your objectives for replacing your forklift battery solution, it's time to consider the technologies on offer. Lithium ion batteries have won attention in recent years due to their promising tech specs. Granted, some of the hype may have been overstated — these batteries don't necessarily represent a greener option than other types, which are just as recyclable, or even more so — but the differences are real and worth studying.

Lithium ion batteries can deliver the following capabilities for your forklift fleet:

  • A long usable life span: Lithium ion batteries are capable of running for over 2,500 life cycles.

  • Extremely fast charging capability: Companies seeking to switch away from battery swapping models and battery rooms will appreciate lithium ion charge times.
  • Low need for maintenance: Hands-on maintenance is less commonly needed with lithium ion batteries than legacy technologies.

  • Energy efficiency and flexibility: If your business is seeking to welcome a technology with lower energy consumption needs, lithium ion batteries are a leading option.

The specifications for traditional lead acid batteries show how these cells differ, making them suitable for some circumstances:

  • Medium life cycle and circular economy: Lead acid battery assets tend to last for 1,500 cycles. While this is shorter than for lithium ion batteries, lead acid cells are fully recyclable.
  • Opportunity charging or swapping capability: Organizations can either embrace the battery room charging model or potentially investigate opportunity charging, where batteries are powered up during breaks for no swapping.
  • Maintenance required: In contrast to newer technology options, it is normal for technicians to perform maintenance on lead acid batteries.

  • Familiarity and reliability: Since lead acid batteries are the industry standards, your team will not have to learn new best practices to operate them.

As with any operational decision affecting your logistics performance, your choice of battery solution should not be made on a side-by-side technology comparison alone. Rather, you should consider the traits of battery options in the context of your material handling needs and unique environment.

Overcoming Potential Pitfalls: Lithium Ion Forklift Battery Best Practices

The issues with managing lithium ion batteries should be familiar to any company managing other battery technologies, though the areas of focus shift a little when considering this new option. In all cases, trained experts aware of industry best practices are essential to the success of the program.

The following are a few concepts that become especially important when introducing lithium ion technology to your warehouse:

  • Observing battery charging best practices: Battery charging is a major area of importance no matter what type of technology your company is using. When working with lithium ion cells, this has a specific focus: preventing thermal runaway and the safety risks that can come with an overheating battery. Monitoring is essential.
  • Creating a recycling solution: Despite their reputation for containing recyclable components, lithium ion batteries aren’t part of a circular economy system the way lead acid batteries are. Your personnel must have a recycling and disposal plan in mind to avoid creating environmental risk with discarded cells.
  • Implementing data-driven practices: Using data to create ideal efficient conditions, from both speed and cost perspectives, is a promising goal for a new battery solution. When using lithium ion batteries, you have plenty of opportunities to collect and act on performance data from the cells, provided the relevant personnel are familiar with the technology and using it correctly.

Ideally, revamping your forklift battery deployment will yield better outcomes all around, including less downtime on the floor for greater productivity, increased asset life span for better total cost of ownership and more strategic operations in general. Getting to this goal through a lithium ion deployment is possible with effort and preparation.

Material Handling and Battery Selection: Unique Solutions for Your Company

How do you ensure your next battery deployment is actively pushing your operations in the right direction? This process begins with an honest appraisal of your current system and your operational goals. In short, you need to start with an operational and power assessment.

Once you gather the data on your current solutions, you can start to formulate a response. With an expert partner such as Concentric on your side, you can weigh the relative value of new deployments, which may involve a switch to lithium ion power or continued, refreshed use of lead acid battery cells.

The actual management of those batteries can be the real difference-maker, and that could take a few forms:

  • Purchasing equipment means simply paying for new batteries and charging solutions and running them with your in-house team. If you have experts on staff and/or a small forklift fleet that is easy to manage, with under 10 vehicles, this may be the simplest option.
  • Implementing a custom solution involves turning the design decisions over to Concentric's team of expert consultants and technicians as part of the FleetPOWER™ program. The finished product will have the RAAMS® monitoring solution, giving you real-time insights into battery usage.

  • Switching to managed power solutions is the way to turn all your power needs, from asset selection to everyday upkeep, into a simple operational expense and put it in the hands of experts. This is the fully featured GuaranteedPOWER® option, especially suitable for companies with large vehicle fleets and multiple shifts.

Any of these options may be best matched with lithium ion batteries, traditional lead acid batteries or other alternative methods such as hydrogen fuel cells and thin plate pure lead cells. 

The right technology is the one that will get your company the best possible results. Request a power assessment today to find out what that means for you.


How Concentric Can Help

If your company is considering switching its forklifts to lithium ion batteries, Concentric can help. We have more than 25 years of experience providing forklift power solutions relating to batteries and power management and have implemented 1000s of lithium batteries across the US since 2017.  Our experts will solve your power problems so you can focus on running your business. Reach out to our team or request a power assessment today.

Contact Concentric today to get started.

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