What Is GuaranteedPOWER®?

GuaranteedPower® is that switch. 



Let’s face it: you only manage power because it is the power train that  keeps your business running. While it is critical to uptime, productivity and throughput for your operations, its not strategic or core to your business. But it is Concentric’s 


Case Study: GuaranteedPOWER Leads to Tremendous Savings

What is GuaranteedPOWER®? How does it work? And most importantly, why should you care? 


Supply chain efficiency is a zero-sum game. Every delay or even point of friction is cost that comes off your bottom line.   

That cost is why supply chain management has become revolutionized. Almost every aspect has become much more predictable by leveraging precision control and insights.  

However, there are a few aspects of the supply chain that have not been optimized to meet twenty-first-century management principles. Of these, forklift power management is one of the most overlooked, despite being slow, manual, unpredictable, and costly. 

During nearly two decades of doing power assessments for GuaranteedPOWER® systems for 200+ contracts, we’ve identified that most forklift power management processes cost 30% percent more than they should.  

GuaranteedPOWER® transforms your forklift (motive) power management and aligns it fully with your supply chain strategy. It makes your forklift power – the “engine” of your fulfillment system – fast, predictable and with a fixed monthly cost. It does this while reducing costs by 30%. 

Who is GuaranteedPOWER® for? 

GuaranteedPOWER® is ideal for high-velocity facilities that run at least two shifts with 10 or more forklifts. 

While single-facility businesses benefit from GuaranteedPOWER®, our National Service footprint allows companies with multiple locations to compare data and set performance benchmarks across all facilities.


What Can I Expect Once I Implement GuaranteedPOWER®?  

Once we implement together, the managing of battery power for your entire forklift fleet falls completely on our shoulders.  If anything breaks, we repair it, up to and including equipment replacement. 

First, we perform an in-depth power assessment that evaluates consumption, truck usage, equipment inventories and aging, and operational time studies and maintenance. Then, we design solution options customized to your needs—these can include one or all available power sources available in the market today including lithium, flooded lead acid, thin plate pure lead (TPPL) and hydrogen fuel cells. After that, we make decisions together on a final power system, including providing a hybrid system with multiple technologies.  We install and run a 90-day change management process with your team.   

Finally, we manage the power system on your behalf for 3-6 years and optimize with RAAMS®, our patented predictive power management system that employs sensors and analytics. 

What Does GuaranteedPOWER Cover? 

When your fleet uses GuaranteedPOWER®, you can rest easy, knowing that all of your motive power needs are now covered. GuaranteedPOWER covers every aspect of battery power for your entire forklift fleet through our Engineer Power Systems and managed power program.  

For one fixed monthly fee, you’re covered for: 

  • Battery and charger equipment 
  • Battery watering 
  • Battery washing 
  • Equipment repairs 
  • Operator change management 
  • Regular power system reviews with management 

One fixed monthly fee means no surprise charges or fees to your operation -- guaranteed.  Even more importantly, our fee gives you the lowest cost per pallet.  

But that’s not all that the GuaranteedPOWER program offers. We’ll also provide you with: 

  • Proactive service and technical support 
  • Remote power management using our patented RAAMS® system 
  • Hybrid power options 
  • On-site technicians 
  • Ongoing system optimization via application engineering support 

We further guarantee our commitment to powering your business by maintaining, repairing, replacing, and augmenting equipment at no additional cost.  

Concentric’s proactive power management gives you the highest amount of uptime at the lowest total cost of ownership.  


What Does GuaranteedPOWER Guarantee? 

  • A fixed cost for the length of the contract 
  • Only one monthly payment  
  • No unexpected, additional CAPEX costs 
  • All services, repairs and equipment replacements 
  • Remote power management, monitoring and reporting 
  • Remote system adjustment and alerts for system optimization 
  • Same power in Year 5 as in Year 1 
  • The lowest power cost per pallet 


What’s the Secret to GuaranteedPOWER? 

There’s no secret. The key to GuaranteedPOWER is twenty years of history assessing, designing and managing power systems nationally.  We’ve executed thousands of assessments, designed systems for hundreds of applications, and manage several hundred contracts, many of which have power systems we’ve managed and improved for over 15 years. 

We’ve systematized our approach, invested in the nation’s only application engineering team focused on forklift/AGV power, developed our own products (e.g., chargers and private label) through strategic OEM partnerships, expanded our technician footprint nationwide and developed our own power management/integration platform, RAAMS®, which we first launched in 2013.  

The not so secret is that we start with an assessment to deeply understand your operations, leverage 20 years of know-how and data, and then design a system together with you that meets your business objectives. 

What Can I Get Through GuaranteedPOWER That I’m Not Getting Now? 


  1. The freedom to leave power management to the experts and concentrate on your core business 

  2. Predictable maintenance and repair costs 

  3. Safer, more sustainable equipment for the long haul, not just on day one 

  4. No more downtime or loss of production due to forklift issues. GuaranteedPOWER commits to keeping them running. 

  5. An average 30% reduction in cost of ownership 

  6. Better maintenance that keeps long-term costs down 

  7. A power management platform that gives you access to data if/when you need it (and because GuaranteedPOWER is a national service, you can actually compare data across all of your facilities)  

Are you wasting power? Find out now with this free quiz!




Is GuaranteedPOWER too good to be true? 

We take a lot of pride in our work, but we’re not going to lie -- that fixed monthly cost is strong motivation to ensure your system is designed and maintained as well as possible.  We are in this for the long haul, and our 98% contract retention rate is something we are deeply proud of. 

We see it as a win-win. Your company gets the power you need at the lowest cost per pallet, and Concentric will design and maintain a truly optimized system. 

Why GuaranteedPOWER? 

We free you to run your business by taking forklift power off your plate. We do this by lowering your power cost per forklift production hour. 

Plus, with nearly 20 years of experience, thousands of assets under management, and more than 95% renewal rate, we’re serious about keeping our customers moving. 

Don’t spend precious time and money buying and maintaining batteries. Instead, get the power you need with GuaranteedPOWER.  

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